COVID-19 Legal Information for Businesses

A Legal Guide for Businesses During COVID-19

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We are all experiencing challenging times, and uncertainty has affected our lives and our business. It is not business “as usual.” Rather, we are redefining what we do and how we interact with each other. The legal matters listed below are only some of the emerging issues that Oppenheim Law may assist you in navigating this difficult period. For over 30 years, Oppenheim Law has been and remains committed to serving our clients, our team, and the greater community. We are battle-tested from the last crisis during the Great Recession where we helped a myriad of people address similarly complex legal issues. We will, together, emerge stronger.

How We Can Help You:

Business Operations


Our team at Oppenheim Law can assist you in preparing, reviewing, and discussing with you the types of funding available to small and medium-sized businesses. The loans and grants may change through the course of this pandemic. Our team at Oppenheim Law can guide you through the process and help you prepare and apply for funding.

While funding opportunities are now available, you may experience delays in processing. The time to seek help is now. Do not wait. We are here for you.


Loans and Grants

Loans and Grants

Force Majeure

Business Continuity and Operations:

In these turbulent times, many questions arise as to contract enforceability and performance. The following are ways that our team at Oppenheim Law is able to serve you:

Employment Issues

Employment Issues:

Business Insurance

Business Insurance:

During these uncertain times, our team at Oppenheim Law will review and guide you as to the terms of your business policy insurance, including, but not limited to, contract cancellation policies, business interruption insurance, and general liability insurance.

Other Useful Links:

Small Business Administration

SBA Coronavirus business guidance and loan resources:

Broward County Business Assistance

Florida Small Business Bridge Loan

Florida Small Business Emergency Bridge Loan Program

SBA low-interest disaster loans to help businesses and homeowners

Unemployment Application

Florida unemployment Information



Every Tuesday at noon we have a free weekly webinar that covers topics raised by the pandemic. See all recorded webinars by visiting our Oppenheim Law Youtube.

Want To Attend The Next Webinar?  SUBSCRIBE TO COVID-19 UPDATES

Oppenheim Law
2500 Weston Rd #404
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33331

Reference: A Legal Guide for Businesses During COVID-19

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